Voice of Freedom Ministries Blog


SCRIPTURES: ROMANS 6:14, 1Cor 15:34, Heb 4:15-16, 1Peter 2:21-22.

Welcome to the year of DOMINION as declared by our father in the Lord.

This is a year of all round DOMINION which is our birthright in Christ Jesus as new creations. We were created for dominion (Gen 1:28) to rule in the realm of life but a sinful life style is a clog in the wheel of dominion life. Sin is a cankerworm that eats deep into our dominion life. It slows down our spiritual progress and quenches the voice of our dominion life.

Sin and dominion can’t mix together. If it does, it produces a spiritual reaction which causes divine judgment. In order for us to experience the fullness of the power of dominion in our lives, we must deal decisively with every sinful habit and character which is capable of denying us our dominion life this year.

In Rom 6:1, it says “shall we continue in sin that grace (and expect to thrive in dominion life) may abound? A sinful life in the year of dominion will water down  our authority as believers and break down our walls of dominion.

If we must live a life of dominion, then we must first have dominion over every sin that easily besets us.


Deep down in every believer there is a desire to live above sin and overcome sinful habits. Here are some practical steps to help us dominate and overcome sin.

  1. Let Gods word dwell in you. Psalm 119: 9-11. Meditating on God’s word will help you keep your mind and heart focused on God rather than earthly temptations. The word is a cleansing agent and an antidote to a sinful lifestyle.
  2. Avoid people and places that feed your lust. Eph 4:27. Avoid spending time with people or in places that stirs the urge to sin.
  3. Occupy yourself with your passion and vision. Luke 19:13. Giving yourself completely to your passion and vision naturally releases into the will power to stay away from frivolities and distractions.
  4. Become a prayer addict. Matt 26:41. A strong and solid prayer life is a defense to a loose and sinful life style. A man who prayers, is a man who is alert spiritually to the wiles and temptations of the devil.


  1. Oh Lord, I cry out to you with all my heart, deliver me from my weak point, let it not destroy me in the mighty name of Jesus.
  2. Oh God of war, break the power of willful sin in my life in Jesus name.
  3. Oh Lord, forgive me and wash me clean from every unconfessed sin of the past in Jesus name.
  4. Holy Spirit you are my strength, therefore you stronghold of sinful habits break by fire now in Jesus name.
  5. Anointing to live above and overcome temptation where are you? Fall on me heavily in Jesus name.
  6. Holy Spirit inject fresh hunger and thirst for righteousness and holy living from today in me in Jesus name.
  7. I receive grace for righteousness, holy living, and love for God in Jesus name.

About Benneth

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